OCT Art Gallery

Firm: Urbanus
Role: Facade design
Type: Gallery Renovation
Area: 2,900 ㎡
Client: Private
Location: Shenzhen, PRC

This project takes the existing building and site of the Shenzhen Bay Hotel’s laundry facility and repurposes it to an art gallery and exhibition space.  Situated along a main thoroughfare adjacent to the OCT Hotel and the Hexiangning Gallery it forms part of the growing OCT art hub in the district.

Rather than demolish the existing stoic concrete building, recladding the building is a preferred choice for its’ economic and environmental benefit. The primary gesture wraps the entirety of the warehouse with a hexagonal glass wall. Four scaled hexagon modules form an aluminum frame that envelope the existing concrete form. The new wall becomes a lively theatrical screen for the gallery beyond.

Inside the gallery, feature moments in the building interior take their queues from the geometric play of the façade.